Jefferson County Head Start: Main Office
1541 Annex Rd. Jefferson, WI 53094
Head Start is a comprehensive, federally funded, preschool program serving children ages 3-5 who live in Jefferson County.
There is never a fee for any family who is accepted into Head Start.
The Federal qualifiers are:
Be 3-5 years of age
Living in Jefferson County
Ninety Percent of families must:
Have income at or below the Federal Poverty Guidelines or;
Be a homeless family
Be in Foster/Kinship Care
Receiving SSI
Receiving TANF
An additional 10% of families may have income above the Poverty Guidelines
Head Start accepts children of all abilities.
Services provided to children and families:
Children: Educational Curriculum to prepare children for school success, Social/Emotional Curriculum, School Readiness Goals and healthy meals and snacks. Physicals, Vision and Hearing Screenings, Dental Exams, Dental Varnishes, and Developmental Screening.
Families: Opportunities for parents to be involved in program planning and decision making, volunteer in classrooms and participate on advisory councils, work with teachers to establish individual goals for their children, establish goals for themselves and their families, and participate in family enrichment activities including family fun nights.